Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Beam Clarification

1. Are these all the beams and are they located correctly on this plan?
YES, the beams are in the correct location, please note the added item "j" which are skylight beams.
2. Are the widths correct as shown on the plan?
3. Please go through the table and confirm whether beams are proud above the roof deck or turned down?
Please see updated table.
4. What are the heights of the beams, especially, A, B, and E as they will have an uphill (12") and down hill height?
The heights of the upturned beams are 12" above roof slab as they are parallel with the slab. Please note item "E" is a downturned beam.
5. What happens to the paths when a beam crosses, i.e. on the lower roof around areas 3 and 4?
The roof pedestrian ramp is at a 1:20 slope, which causes the distance between top of roof slab and top of walking surface (DG) to vary. This 1:20 slope accommodates the 12" height of the beam. We are looking at a detail for a steel plate to cover the beams where this intersection occurs (2 locations), while the DG would come to meet the plates.

Also can you please confirm whether area 8 is ground level or actually part of the green roof system?
Areas 8,9 & 13 (please note the added item "13") are NOT part of the green roof system.

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