first we need clarifications on areas 8 and 9? are these the two north eastern sections that are not on A2.1a?
a2. 1a
general landscape questions:
1) will we have general landscaping east of stairs southeast of monument?
2) is this a grass slope? is there tiering?
3)how are you envisioning this area?
4) at what point to we get into roof on the west side arm? where the protection is needed from the apartment buildings?
5)trees in the landscape?
6)what is our area of scope? does it include west of ampitheater? bus drop off?
7)what is parking situation? what is going on on east side? access? who will be using this entrance?
8)how much attention do you want to to pay to the on the ground landscape?
9)do you want distinctly different than the park? do want gardens for your soft scape?sod?gravel?
1) can we have a cut sheet to see what landscape lighting is spec'd?
2) Is there electric specified for the irrigation system?
3) can there be electrical stub to near our taps for irrigation?
1)what is the relationship between top of stem walls and finish floor elevation of the roof (a.1a)?
2)how does this interface with beams and the covering of beams?
1)is there a tree in the north eastern corner?
2)what are the areas on south side of the monument around GL( gridlines) 13 and GL 18 ? benches, steps?
3)do you want screening of grated area GL 17
4)is there a water fountain to drink on the east side of the monument?
5)what does 25 shot crete wall look like?
6)where does building on east end( specifically for green roof)
roof drainage plan:
1)drainage is coming to the middle of the beds on C2-C13?
2)where does the number 4 drain apply as arrows do not match drainage locations?
3)where does the northern most roof area drain into flat beds out through the west side?
4) Is the drain along the northern side of the entry ramp a 4" per pipe?
5) how does western ground level bed( entry alle) drain does it go through perf pipe as well and enter SD below?
6)what is the difference weep holes vs. drains? are weep holes below grade? locations and heights of weep holes?
7)confirm tap locations? and locations of irrigation mechanicals? back flow etc..?
8)why is slope draining away from trench drain on western side GL 2?
talk about the structural beams…
are updated roof sections available?
1)beams 1 foot thick? structural beams. can we point load? how many are there? 3 or 4?
2) are they all running east /west? any running north south?
3) roof section 3: what is the raised concrete in the middle?
4)roof section 2: is there a skylight? what does that look like in section view
5)were parapet walls added to help raise the soil?
6)area number 4 how does structural beam interface with media depth and walk way?
drainage plan.. parapet planters on east side of building
1)how they are being drained? weep holes may stain concrete?
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